Burning Embers

Hi, your Greaser, Ponyboy again. After Johnny killed that Soc, Bob, we went over to Dally for help. Dally was a tough guy. So tough... so real, it scared me. His heart has harden so much, it probably forgot how to love. He told us the instructions to get to the hideout and gave us some money and a loaded gun.
The hideout turned out to be an abandoned church that was all wooden, with cobwebs and stone flooring. It gave me that spooky, horror film kind of vibe that crept up your spine and gave you a scream of shock every once in a while. Despite all that has happened, it was kind of peaceful at the church, reading to Johnny and watching the sunset.
About a week later, Dally came to check on us. I never thought I'd be so glad to see him. I gave him some rapid fire questions because I was just excited to see another member of our gang. Turned out Soda wrote me a letter, the fuzz thinks we are in Texas, and Darry was worried sick about me. We went out to eat and Dally filled us in on other stuff. The Socs and Greasers are going to settle this with one big brawl, called a rumble.
As we were goin back to the church, Johnny announced that he was going to turn himself in, given the fact that he killed Bob in self-defense. Dally took it hard. He was pretty shocked, but I wasn't.

I could see Dally didn't want him to go to jail. He said, "You get hardened in jail. I don't want that to happen to you. Like it happened to me..." Now that shocked me because he never talked like that... Maybe he did love somebody... he loved Johnny. As we were pulled up to the church, we saw black smoke rising up. THE CHURCH WAS ON FIRE!! I heard faint screams and the sound of chaos. In my mind I thought,
We started this. Its our fault. I have to do something...
I took off towards the church with Johnny following my lead. I could hear Dally shout at us to get back, but I couldn't just sit and watch the church burn. When we got closer to the crowd surrounding the church, we found out that there might be kids stuck in the flaming building. By then, instinct went to overdrive and I found a window to get into the church. Johnny and I were in the blazing church looking for the kids when I realized how it felt to be in a burning ember. Red, hot streaks burned rapid as polluted smoke filled my lungs. We pushed open the door to the back and found little kids together in a corner. Johnny tossed the nearest kid as I caught a glimpse of his face; he was grinning at me. He wasn't scared either. That was the only time I can think of when I saw him without a defeated, suspicious look in his eyes.
I picked up the kid and I leaned out, the window and dropped him. Dally was standing there. He tried to convince me to get out, but I ignored him. We dropped the last of the kids out as the church started to crumble. suddenly, Johnny shoved me out.
I heard wood crashing and the flames roaring behind me. I stumbled, gasping for air. I heard a scream behind me and thought,
Johnny... Johnny. Dally bashed me across the back and I went down in an exhausted, tired darkness.
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