Sunday, January 31, 2016



The Outsiders

                  I was looking at Gone With the Wind when a piece of paper fell out. It read: Ponyboy, I asked the nurse to give you this book so you could finish it. The doctor came in a while ago but I knew anyway. I keep getting tireder and tireder. Listen, I don't mind dying now. It's worth it. It's worth saving those kids. Their lives are worth more than mine, they have more to live for. Some of their parents came by to thank me and I know it was worth it. Tell Dally it's worth it. I'm just going to miss you guys. I've been thinking about it, and that poem, that guy that wrote it, he meant you're gold when you're a kid, like green. When you're a kid everything's new, dawn. It's just when you get used to everything that it's day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. That's gold. Keep that way, it's a good way to be. I want you to tell Dally to look at one. He'll probably think you're crazy, but ask for me. I don't think he's ever really seen a sunset. And don't be so bugged over being a greaser. You still have a lot o f time to make yourself be what you want. There's still lots of good in the world. Tell Dally. I don't think he knows. Your buddy, Johnny.
                Tell Dally? It was too late... He was already dead. Johnny's dying wish would never be  fulfilled. Then I realized that my problems... our problems wasn't a personal things anymore. Socs and Greasers rivalry is so stupid... so immature! We are both human beings. Fighting will not change a thing, the only way to change is through love. There were probably hundreds of kids who live on the wrong side of society. Hundreds of kids who are divided by money. Our story had to be told. We had to speak out and tell our side. How else were others going to find out what some kids go through? People had to know that things were rough all around. People had to know that some kids grew up too fast! We grew up on the outside of society. We weren't looking for a fight. We were looking to belong... We all see the same sunset. We get a chance everyday to see the way light fades in to complete darkness, the sunset. Humanity should be our race and love should be our religion. So I decided to write a book... The Outsiders



R.I.P Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston

               YO, I'm back, and this time I'd like this blog to be dedicated to Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston. We had beaten the Socs in the rumble, but I was beaten up pretty badly. I got kicked in the head and had a bunch of bruises, but the adrenaline masked the pain. I had learned why our gang liked to fight. Steve fought because of his hatred for the world, Soda for adrenaline, Darry for pride, but for me... I didn't know why I fought. Our whole gang was pretty happy that we won, but Dally dragged me to go see Johnny. He told me to hurry up because Johnny was getting worst and he wanted to see me.
            We were obviously speeding, but under our circumstances, I was fine with it until I heard a siren behind us. I could see red and blue through the windshield in a blur. Dally told me to look sick, so I tilted my head to the freezing cold glass and closed my eyes. The police officer asked why we were driving so fast and Dally lied and said I had fallen off my bike and he was taking me to the hospital.  I could hear the officer change his tone and asked if we needed an escort.
             We got to the hospital with the escort and rushed to Johnny's room. There was no time to waste, Johnny might only have a few minutes left. When we went into Johnny's room, Dally swallowed, and tried to keep his breathing steady, but it wasn't working.
               Dally raved about us beating the Socs in the rumble, but Johnny didn't even smile. I could remember what he said so clearly because I couldn't agree more. He just said in a monotone voice, "Useless... fighting's no good...." When he said that I thought, He's right. Fighting won't do anything because Socs will still be Socs and Greasers will still be Greaser. Dally was trying so hard to get Johnny to be happy, but it was a failed attempt. Then Dally finally said, "We're all proud of you, buddy." Johnny's eyes had a glint in them... Dally, his idol, was proud of him. That was all Johnny ever wanted.
            "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold..." then Johnny died peacefully. His last words... what did they mean. I couldn't wrap my head around it

            Dally was going to blow. The only thing he ever loved just died and he couldn't handle it. He bolted out the room and rammed down the hall.
             I got a ride home from a nice guy who was driving by and found out that Dally robbed a store. He was being chased by the fuzz, so we went to meet him at the lot, but when we got there, we saw Dally raise his gun, and I thought: You blasted fool. They don't know you're only bluffing. And even as the policemen's guns spit fire into the night I knew that was what Dally wanted. He was jerked half around by the impact of the bullets, then slowly crumpled with a look of grim triumph on his face. He was dead before he hit the ground. But I knew that was what he wanted, even as the lot echoed with the cracks of shots, even as I begged silently--- Please, not him... not him and Johnny both ---I knew he would be dead, because Dally Winston wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted. Two of my friends died that night. One died a hero, the other died a fool.


 Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes

             I was cleared from the hospital with a few injuries, so I just waited for Johnny and Dally. People were saying that we were heroes, but we weren't; we were just Greasers, JDs, and Hoods. Both of them came in stretchers. Dally threatened to kill me if i ever did something stupid like that again. Johnny came in unconscious. I was afraid to see his bruises and burns, but, luckily, his face wasn't burned. He appeared like a vampire, with all the blood drained from his face. I would've cried at the sight of Johnny, but I wouldn't do that in public.
              I was sitting next to Jerry, a guy who witnessed us save the kids. He was thanking me for being so brave. He didn't even mind that I was a Greaser. He just saw a normal kid. Then he told me my brothers were here and an explosion of joy blew up in me as I jumped up and ran to Soda. He gave a me big, bear hug that could've broken my ribs, but I didn't care. I was finally with my brothers... I was finally home. I took a look at Darry. He was the one that had driven me away. He had hit me, but suddenly I realized, that tears was silently rushing down his face. He was crying... I hadn't seen him cry in years. He didn't even cry when our parents had been killed. Darry just kept a solid, grieving face with big, hopeless eyes that were pleading for help. In that second what Soda and Two-Bit had been trying to tell me came through.
             I finally saw that Darry did care about me, and because of that, he was trying to get the best out of me.
             All these years I though Darry had hardened to the core like Dally, but he hadn't. His worst fear was losing another person he loved. As I hugged him, I knew everything was going to be okay. I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay. We stayed around the hospital waiting for Johnny and Dally as reporters swarmed me for the "inside scoop." They were calling me a hero instead of a Greaser, and I have to admit that I kind of liked it, but they kept asking questions which began to annoy me. Plus, I wasn't feeling great in the first place. My head felt like it was filled with helium and my stomach kept turning and rolling over.


Burning Embers

          Hi, your Greaser, Ponyboy again. After Johnny killed that Soc, Bob, we went over to Dally for help. Dally was a tough guy. So tough... so real, it scared me. His heart has harden so much, it probably forgot how to love. He told us the instructions to get to the hideout and gave us some money and a loaded gun. 
         The hideout turned out to be an abandoned church that was all wooden, with cobwebs and stone flooring. It gave me that spooky, horror film kind of vibe that crept up your spine and gave you a scream of shock every once in a while. Despite all that has happened, it was kind of peaceful at the church, reading to Johnny and watching the sunset.

           About a week later, Dally came to check on us. I never thought I'd be so glad to see him. I gave him some rapid fire questions because I was just excited to see another member of our gang. Turned out Soda wrote me a letter, the fuzz thinks we are in Texas, and Darry was worried sick about me. We went out to eat and Dally filled us in on other stuff. The Socs and Greasers are going to settle this with one big brawl, called a rumble.

          As we were goin back to the church, Johnny announced that he was going to turn himself in, given the fact that he killed Bob in self-defense. Dally took it hard. He was pretty shocked, but I wasn't.
I could see Dally didn't want him to go to jail.  He said, "You get hardened in jail. I don't want that to happen to you. Like it happened to me..." Now that shocked me because he never talked like that... Maybe he did love somebody... he loved Johnny. As we were pulled up to the church, we saw black smoke rising up. THE CHURCH WAS ON FIRE!! I heard faint screams and the sound of chaos. In my mind I thought, We started this. Its our fault. I have to do something...
           I took off towards the church with Johnny following my lead. I could hear Dally shout at us to get back, but I couldn't just sit and watch the church burn. When we got closer to the crowd surrounding the church, we found out that there might be kids stuck in the flaming building. By then, instinct went to overdrive and I found a window to get into the church. Johnny and I were in the blazing church looking for the kids when I realized how it felt to be in a burning ember. Red, hot streaks burned rapid as polluted smoke filled my lungs. We pushed open the door to the back and found little kids together in a corner. Johnny tossed the nearest kid as I caught a glimpse of his face; he was grinning at me. He wasn't scared either. That was the only time I can think of when I saw him without a defeated, suspicious look in his eyes.
              I picked up the kid and I leaned out, the window and dropped him. Dally was standing there. He tried to convince me to get out, but I ignored him. We dropped the last of the kids out as the church started to crumble. suddenly, Johnny shoved me out.
              I heard wood crashing and the flames roaring behind me. I stumbled, gasping for air. I heard a scream behind me and thought, Johnny... Johnny. Dally bashed me across the back and I went down  in an exhausted, tired darkness.


 Greaser's First Blog

           Hey guys, I'm Ponyboy Curtis, your average 14 year old Greaser. I guess I'm blogging because the last few days have been a lot to take in and I need to let off some steam. Lucky for you, this will be your inside look at a Greaser's life.
           All my problems started when I came home way too late. It was around 2 am and I had fallen asleep in the gang's lot. My friend, Johnny Cade, woke me up and I realized Darry, my older brother was going to be pissed, so I ran home as fast as I could through the cold night, hoping I could sneak in without Darry finding out. When I got home, the porch light was on. There was still a string of hope I might get in my house without getting noticed.
          When I went in Darry was in the armchair, reading a newspaper.  We got into an argument and he was lecturing me, like usual, but all that went through my ears was "Blah Blah Blah." What really threw me over the edge was when Darry told my other brother, Soda, to shut up. When he did that, I blew up and shouted, with all my might, never yell at Soda.
           Then, Darry hit me so hard I fell to the ground. I was in shock, nobody ever hit me, anger quickly followed, like a tsunami. I couldn't take this house anymore. I ran straight out to the lot I feel asleep in. I heard Darry holler for me to come back, but I already decided that I wasn't going to get hit ever again.
            When I got to the lot, I told Johnny that we were running away. Johnny didn't question me, he just went along with it. We finally stopped running and sat down and I started to bawl. Johnny comforted me as I told him what happened, and I finally calmed down. I decided I'd go back home after we went to the park a few blocks away.
              We stayed at the park for a while to cool off, when we saw a blue mustang, the Socs trademark car, circle the park. They were always looking for a fight with Greasers, like us. After all, they were our rival gang.
             We were thinking about making a run for it, but it was already too late. The mustang had pulled up in front of us and five drunk Socs came out. We both knew why they were looking for us that night. It was because earlier that night, we were hanging out with Bob and Randy's, some of the big time Socs, girlfriends, Cherry and Marsha. The five Socs walked over to us, and we had some small talk. Johnny was scared out of his wits. There's nothing worst than drunk Socs outnumbering you.
                "You know what a greaser is?" Bob asked. "White trash with long hair." Usually, I don't get hurt by words, but that stung. I tried to keep my cool, but I was scared, Darry wasn't going to save me this time. I was able to reply with, "You know what a Soc is?" my voice shaking with rage. "White trash with Mustangs and madras." Then I spit at them. That must've gotten them really mad because that's when the fight broke out.
                 I tried to run, but they were too strong and too fast. They grabbed me and dunked me into the fountain. I thought, they are taking this too far. They are drowning me... I'm going to die. Red haze was gradually filling my mind as hollow blackness crept into my eye sockets. The darkness frightened me. Is this how death appoarches? In a dark, black haze that comsumes your mind?
                  Next thing I knew, I was on the pavement and Johnny was next to me with his switch blade out. He had a seasick, greenish look on him. His eyes were locked on something ahead of him. When I followed his gaze, I saw Bob laying on the ground with a pool of blood around him. My stomach turned and squeezed. I felt like I was going to puke. I could hear Johnny mumble, "I killed him."
                 This can't be happening, I thought, but it was, and I couldn't deny it