Greaser's First Blog
Hey guys, I'm Ponyboy Curtis, your average 14 year old Greaser. I guess I'm blogging because the last few days have been a lot to take in and I need to let off some steam. Lucky for you, this will be your inside look at a Greaser's life.
All my problems started when I came home way too late. It was around 2 am and I had fallen asleep in the gang's lot. My friend, Johnny Cade, woke me up and I realized Darry, my older brother was going to be pissed, so I ran home as fast as I could through the cold night, hoping I could sneak in without Darry finding out. When I got home, the porch light was on. There was still a string of hope I might get in my house without getting noticed.
When I went in Darry was in the armchair, reading a newspaper. We got into an argument and he was lecturing me, like usual, but all that went through my ears was "Blah Blah Blah." What really threw me over the edge was when Darry told my other brother, Soda, to shut up. When he did that, I blew up and shouted, with all my might, never yell at Soda.
Then, Darry hit me so hard I fell to the ground. I was in shock, nobody ever hit me, anger quickly followed, like a tsunami. I couldn't take this house anymore. I ran straight out to the lot I feel asleep in. I heard Darry holler for me to come back, but I already decided that I wasn't going to get hit ever again.
When I got to the lot, I told Johnny that we were running away. Johnny didn't question me, he just went along with it. We finally stopped running and sat down and I started to bawl. Johnny comforted me as I told him what happened, and I finally calmed down. I decided I'd go back home after we went to the park a few blocks away.
We stayed at the park for a while to cool off, when we saw a blue mustang, the Socs trademark car, circle the park. They were always looking for a fight with Greasers, like us. After all, they were our rival gang.
We were thinking about making a run for it, but it was already too late. The mustang had pulled up in front of us and five drunk Socs came out. We both knew why they were looking for us that night. It was because earlier that night, we were hanging out with Bob and Randy's, some of the big time Socs, girlfriends, Cherry and Marsha. The five Socs walked over to us, and we had some small talk. Johnny was scared out of his wits. There's nothing worst than drunk Socs outnumbering you.
"You know what a greaser is?" Bob asked. "White trash with long hair." Usually, I don't get hurt by words, but that stung. I tried to keep my cool, but I was scared, Darry wasn't going to save me this time. I was able to reply with, "You know what a Soc is?" my voice shaking with rage. "White trash with Mustangs and madras." Then I spit at them. That must've gotten them really mad because that's when the fight broke out.
I tried to run, but they were too strong and too fast. They grabbed me and dunked me into the fountain. I thought, they are taking this too far. They are drowning me... I'm going to die. Red haze was gradually filling my mind as hollow blackness crept into my eye sockets. The darkness frightened me. Is this how death appoarches? In a dark, black haze that comsumes your mind?
Next thing I knew, I was on the pavement and Johnny was next to me with his switch blade out. He had a seasick, greenish look on him. His eyes were locked on something ahead of him. When I followed his gaze, I saw Bob laying on the ground with a pool of blood around him. My stomach turned and squeezed. I felt like I was going to puke. I could hear Johnny mumble, "I killed him."
This can't be happening, I thought, but it was, and I couldn't deny it